Dare2Draw ComiX Pop-UP ShopP
FRIDAY'S @ Uptown Grand Central [Harlem]Every FRIDAY 3 PM – 7 PM @ Uptown Grand Central
1 E. 125th St., New York, NY 10335
Upcoming D2D Events @ Dare2Draw.org
Dare2Draw ZOOM-tube with Ralph Bakshi [Fundraiser For Covid-19]
Dare2Draw Remote COVID-19 Fundraiser - The COVID-19 pandemic has created much chaos and destruction and we all still have a long way to go.
About this Event:
Date and Time: Sat, May 30, 2020 - 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
Zoom-tube Chat and Q&A with ICONOCLAST Ralph Bakshi!
[please submit your questions for Ralph, in advance of the event]
All tickets purchased and donations will receive the Dark Horse Comics - Comix bundle!
The Mask: "I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask" - issues #1 - 4 (in advance of the event).
Artist - Patric Reynolds
Writer - Christopher Cantwell
Lettering by Nate Piekos from BLAMBOT
Colors by LEE Loughrideg
Ralph Bakshi
Bakshi made his name and living via animated films, comic strips, advertising and cartooning beginning from a young age - all in pursuit of supporting his insatiable drive for creating art. He was either going to be living on the street as an artist or be an artist with a paycheck. Luckily, he was able to marry both his artistic passions with a real job right out of Manhattan's School of Industrial Arts in NYC...
More about Ralph Bakshi
Welcome to our Virtual ?️ D2D ZOOM-tube fundraiser series!
Here at Dare2Draw, we always do things a bit differently –
This Virtual Dare2Draw fundraiser series is designed with a few things in mind, to bring us together during these difficult and strange times we're all going through, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
We're bringing you our live studio events virtually, online, so we can continue to Dare2Draw, together!
Join us for an interesting and fun interactive experience and help raise some funding to keep the Dare2Draw going, as we all get to the other side of this pandemic.
Also, your contribution will provide some small support for one lucky creator participating in the "Quick Draw" Challenge, with our CreatorCODE 50/50 raffle - from half of what we raise from the ticket sales (see rules). The Dare2Draw will use the other half of the ticket sales, to continue our programming and events.
Our Special Guest Mentoring Creator, Ralph Bakshi, will join us for his first interview in five years! ?
After you purchase your fundraiser ticket, you'll receive in your inbox a secure ZOOM registration link, with all the details and a code for a free digital comics bundle from Dark Horse Comics!
Dare2Draw's Zoom-tube fundraiser brings our CreatorCode support, with a 50/50 Raffle designed to help creators, now.
Part 1 - Zoom-tube Chat and Q&A with Director Ralph Bakshi!
Part 2 - The "Quick Draw" 30 min. Challenge (subject TBD)
Part 3 - The Raffle ?️ - One lucky audience creator gets 50% of the money raised from the “creatorCODE Raffle” - instant help!
You'll get the subject for the "Quick Draw" Challenge and then have 30 minutes to create your drawing, during Part 2. You can use your computer or paper with weapon of choice! Once completed, submit your drawing online or take a photo with your phone to submit.
(Must be Zooming with us and participate in the Quick Draw challenge to be eligible for the CreatorCode 50/50 raffle)
![art by ...Awesome B&W art by Artist - Patric Reynolds [Not actual Covid-19 virus: green cartoon actor]](https://dare2draw.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/d2ds.zoom_tube_MASK-1-2-300x207.jpg)
art by ...Awesome B&W art by Artist - Patric Reynolds [Not actual Covid-19 virus: green cartoon actor]
All tickets purchased and donations will receive a Dark Horse Comics Comix bundle!
The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask issue #1 - #4, by Artist: Patric Reynolds, Writer: Christopher Cantwell, Lettering: Nate Piekos from BLAMBOT , and Colorist: LEE Loughrideg
***WARNING - Note! that this comic is pretty darn violent!!
This is a work in progress ~ thank you for your support and patience. ~ Sincero
art by ...Awesome B&W art by Artist - Patric Reynolds [Not actual Covid-19 virus: green cartoon actor]
D2D Email list: http://goo.gl/pElQ9R
Big Thanks to the Will Eisner family, Dark Horse Comics, Accent UK Comics, Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash, Jerry's Artarama...Google and the Youtube Space NY
The interactive mentoring Dare2Draw is back! With Peter Kuper & Hosted by Phil Dejean & Zeea Adams! on Saturday November 16th
Peter Kuper is a renowned comix creator and illustrator, best known for his autobiographical, political and social observations. He creates images that make us think and question our place in the current world, with excellent humor and wit.
Peter Kuper will be joining us at our next interactive event, for this unique series of creator drawing experiences, at MNN Studios.
All basic drawing supplies will be provided (please feel free to bring your drawing weapon of choice).
The Quick Draw Challenge theme will be posted on the Dare2Draw twitter feed 24 hrs before the taping of the show.
Housekeeping - for this series of Dare2Draw events @MNN Studios, your drawing participation is key. As a part of our studio audience, we invite you to come draw with us, have some fun and smile - you’ll be on TV creating a digital echo of this experience with us.
Dare2Draw ComiX Pop-UP ShopP:
Every FRIDAY 3 – 7 pm @ Uptown Grand Central – NHEMA
The D2D Creator-CODE “Comix Pop-UP ShopP” with the support of Uptown Grand Central – NHEMA, to help raise funding to support the Harlem Dare2Draw programs and events hits Harlem on Fridays from 3 – 7 pm, at this new location in NYC, to pick up some comic books and cool stuff for the commute and ride like a hero!
Click HERE To Sign Up For the Event on Facebook Events!
At the Pop-UP on Park, we’ll have:
With guest artists
Original art & art prints … and more!
Dare2Draw.org Creator-Code Past Guests

Dare2Draw TV With GoFundMe
A new Pop Culture show featuring and spotlighting all creators within our creatorCODE ecosystem. See comic book and pop culture professionals together, from comedians to your favorite artists. See the Pilot Episode on our GoFundMe Here!Support Dare2DrawHow Can You Be A Part Of The Dare2Draw.org?
Dare2Draw: Our Mission
The Dare2Draw is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating mentoring and networking opportunities for cartoonists of all levels, cultivating awareness of, and appreciation for the study of the sequential arts and the furthering and preserving of the comic book medium’s contribution to literacy, art and culture, through outreach programs, events and projects.
Donate To Dare2Draw
You shop. Amazon gives. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice...so our shopping will support Dare2Draw!
Get Involved! That means pro’s, students, and everyone in between!
At the Dare2Draw events, seasoned professionals present lectures, demonstrations and Q&A’s, on all aspects of sequential art, from ‘acting’ for the comic book panels, to breaking down a script, figure drawing, anatomy, painting, gesture drawings and using different drawing techniques and mediums.
At the Dare2Draw, we always strive to stretch the borders of the possible and offer a way for all the attendees to expand their abilities by working together. To volunteer, donate, or to learn more on getting involved in the Dare2Draw please contact us here.
Want To Buy Comics & Support Dare2Draw Events?
Buy Our Special Comix For Good "5 Comics Grab Bag"
For bus ride - comix!
Give to a kid - comix!
Save it - get the trade- comix!
Donate your comix and pop cultural (pass on your love) books to help mentor and get the word out that marvel and DC are not the definition on comix...creators are. Period.
Dare2Draw: Our Mission
The Dare2Draw is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating mentoring and networking opportunities for cartoonists of all levels, cultivating awareness of, and appreciation for the study of the sequential arts and the furthering and preserving of the comic book medium’s contribution to literacy, art and culture, through outreach programs, events and projects.
Donate To Dare2Draw
You shop. Amazon gives. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice...so our shopping will support Dare2Draw!
Cartoonists Help Each Other Get To, Stay At, & Collaborate At The Pro Level
At Dare2Draw.org Studios, we are all about helping Cartoonists bridge the gap to pro level, with the help of top professional talent in the comic book industry.
And we want to help bolster the creative talent at the top as well to ensure their continued work in the medium as well as future collaboration between a friendly and powerfully creative network with Dare2Draw.org.

Due To COVID-19 Interactive Dare2Draw Shows Are Postponed Until Further Notice
Due To COVID-19 Interactive Dare2Draw Shows Are Postponed Until Further Notice. A message to our comix community from Dare2Draw Director/CEO Charles Sincero Chenet: Due to COVID-19, we have not scheduled any Interactive Dare2Draw shows in 2020 until further notice,...

Due To COVID-19 Interactive Dare2Draw Shows Are Postponed Until Further Notice
Due To COVID-19 Interactive Dare2Draw Shows Are Postponed Until Further Notice. A message to our comix community from Dare2Draw Director/CEO Charles Sincero Chenet: Due to COVID-19, we have not scheduled any Interactive Dare2Draw shows in 2020 until further notice,...